Love is Love
The comments I received on my previous post were so interesting, with so many different views –mostly supportive which I want to thank everyone for. Fewer derogatory comments have been made (and you know I love viewing the people who think differently) but instead, I received quite a few opposing emails. Again, Mr. Anonymous has risen to the occasion to write me yet another heart-felt email.
But first, I want to display “Sometimes Saintly Nick’s” comment as my post for today.

Now, this is the whole entire thing I’ve been trying to get across as far as ‘interpretation’ of homosexuality as opposed to promiscuity. The ‘act’ of anal sex was considered dirty and unclean; in fact it still is---in the technical sense. What people do behind closed doors is none of my business anyway.
Mr. Anonymous emailed me again, with comments and questions that were a bit unnerving. He even sent me a photo of him, claiming his name (which I will not reveal) trying to convince me I can change. I love it when men try to do this! And by the way, he is a very good looking young man, but he seems too ‘brainwashed’ for me. Here are some things he has written to me that I am copyied and pasted. I would show the entire email, but it’s too long, and too redundant of what I’m trying to get across. (His typos were plentiful, which takes up way too much time to correct for him…)
Mr. Anonymous: You live with your partner and you claim it's love.........When you get older what then? It's sad that you will pass up a life where you can claim children that have your blood and your DNA to see them run around and play with their little cousins and etc.......And for what? To be with the same sex and have nothing that belongs to you that’s your own flesh where they will continueto live your legacy?

Mr. Anonymous: I have no right to tell you that you’re going to Hell, but you sure are knocking at it's doors. You and your partner don't really care for each other, you just care to explore your temptations to see where it leads you.
Deb: Exploring temptations is one thing—but being in a relationship with a woman I love is another. I am not “exploring”, I did that in my late teens to early twenties. And no, I do not regret exploring, it was part of my past. I truly believe that the church that you go to has something to do with this ‘brainwashing’ attitude you put forth.
Mr. Anonymous: And do yourself a favor and get out of a Catholic church. Because you don't learn anything exception to tradition. You need to go to a church where GOD's presence is strong, and then you will hear his real voice call to you and you will know that what you are doing is very displeasing in his eyes.
Deb: First of all, I do not go to a Catholic church. I go to an Assembly of God---a born again Christian church. (Not sure why he thinks I still go to a Catholic Church after my other post!)
Mr. Anonymous: You asked, “Do you feel if a man marries a divorcee ( a woman who was married previously ) that God is okay with that?" Yes I do. Because GOD is a forgiving GOD and merciful.Not everyone is perfect, and GOD did make a man forevery woman and vice versa. That was why he removed a rib from Adam, to make a suitable partner. My mom got divorced when I was three, my brother four, and my sister five. My real father left us and ran out, he messed around with another woman, he did drugs and etc. My mom was left with three kids all by herself, but she never gave up on GOD. 5 years later, another man came into her life. He is now who I call a father, and even though they have their moments of disagreements and etc. They love each other, and I know that he will not be leaving anytime soon. Where does it say in the bible that marrying a divorcee is a sin?
Deb: I’m sorry that you went through that. Your mother has a lot of courage. In the bible, (and I do agree with you by the way) it says, "Matthew 5:31 You have heard that the law of Moses says, 'A man can divorce his wife by merely giving her a letter of divorce. But I say that a man who divorces his wife, unless she has been unfaithful, causes her to commit adultery. And anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery." Look it up. And, it's written in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament.
Deb: Love is love. Homosexuality in my opinion as well as beliefs is misinterpreted. So, if you want to debate homosexuality, and you are so passionate about your beliefs about marrying a divorcee, then you may want to evaluate which sin is worse. To me, you pick and choose your sin. It’s hypocritical. I can sit here and bash your mother for being a divorcee, but I won’t, because she had to do what she had to do… I don’t think badly of her. Does the “bible” consider it adultery? Yes. Can it be interpreted wrongly? I strongly believe so. As “Sometimes Saintly Nick” stated, “The passage in the ancient Hebrew is clearly talking about male-male sex acts, specifically anal sex. The issue was penetrating an anus with a penis, this making the penis literally “unclean” to the point of forbidding entry into a vagina.” We’re talking about the ‘acts’ of homosexuality and the promiscuous aspects of it. Love is love. Two men who love one another and two women who love one another is a beautiful thing—when in a healthy relationship—just as heterosexuals. Picking and choosing sins, especially trying to debate ‘adultery’ vs. homosexuality that is listed in the Ten Commandments does not hold a strong argument.

This is how I feel, how I view God, how I love God, and how I love others who are different from me. I saw comments that said, “Well, why don’t I just marry my dog,” or “I might as well ask my cat to marry me too!” These remarks are ignorant, and uncalled for. There is nothing wrong with love between two consenting adults. And I emphasize on “two consenting adults”---whether two males, two women or a male and female. This has nothing to do with bestiality, incest, or pedophilia. If you cannot determine the difference, then you’re minds are very closed.
Love is love.